Browsing: アニメ
Episode 4
Golden Kamuy – Ogata escapes from the hospital Scene from season 3’s last episode (ep12) I am so SAD, the…
Tsurumi and Koito’s father are on their way to rescue kidnapped Koito… on a motorcycle! This scene is so hilarious,…
阿席利帕的顏藝從來不讓人失望 覺得臭就要表現出來 哈哈 (第三集月島的回憶錄全程高能 就不另外擷取了 有興趣的自己去動畫瘋看完整集) #顏藝 #麝香鹿 #白石大便 ———————————————— 【命運石之門零-不講話實況】 【茉莉之夏-不講話實況】 【動畫片段影片】 【我的二輪生活】 ———————————————— 個人播放列表:…
【ゴールデンカムイ 海外の反応】ゴールデンカムイ4期 海外の反応 / ゴールデンカムイ4期5話 海外の反応 / ゴールデンカムイ41話 海外の反応 Golden kamuy reaction season4 / Golden Kamuy Season 4 Episode 5…
Tanigaki returns to Inkarmat in secret, who is still in the hospital (as a hostage) and is pregnant from him.…
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Scene from Episode 16 of Golden Kamuy
Sugimoto’s group wants to eat something, and an old Ainu lady makes “grandma chewed dango” for them. At first theyre…
I put together some of Ushiyama and Chiyotarou’s scenes, featuring the ice skating, the peach, and some other moments. Also…